To enjoy the registered version of Soldat NOW go to this section.

If you are not convinced yet take a look at the benefits of registering below.


What do I get from registering Soldat?



    Soldat is free to play but you should consider registering it if you enjoy it.
Registering is the right thing to do, it makes the game live because the author gets motivated and he has funds to carry on.
The cost is only US $11.99. So think about it if you like Soldat.
Except the feeling that you're doing good and becoming a registered member of the great Soldat community,
YOU GET MORE benefits, here they are:





Gives you the ability to save custom settings in as many as you want profiles.
Different profiles let you instantly access different premade settings such as: game options, setup options, server settings, player names and visuals.
Makes changing options a whole lot easier. The above sceenshot shows the idea.





You can change the look, position and behaviour of the in-game interface.
If you're bored with the standard Soldat interface you can easily change it.

Currently in Soldat there are available the below interfaces.
If it's not enough you can easily download tons of interfaces made by users or create your own with the Soldat Interface Maker.








Listen to your favourite MP3 tracks with the Soldat MP3 player during the game.
Just copy standard
'm3u' playlist files and copy them to the 'mp3' folder. You can easily create these in any mp3 player (like Winamp). 

This way you can have thousands of hours of great music available to you while slaughtering other players.


Easy access to the MP3 player using F5 - stop/play and F6 - next track while playing the game.






Non-registered version of Soldat allows you to record a demo (F8 key) only for 3 minutes. Full version of Soldat can record unlimited demos, so you can store all your battles and make full-time movies! Capture that beheading on a demo now!





Non-registered Soldat players can only play the game with the small default resolution 640x480. After registration you can change it to whatever you want, 800x600, 1024x769, 1280x1025, 1600x1200! Bigger resolution means more space for the game. Interfaces, chat texts, kill logs and score boards become small leaving the rest for the gameplay!
Also this is the way to play Soldat on a widescreen monitor (use windowed mode and fit the screen size). Click on these screenshots and decide yourself:





After registering you will have a fully playable version of Soldat with no unnecessary nag screens and texts.  No banner splash screen on start.




Imagine showing that you support the game. As soon as you register there will be
aspecial symbol (bright yellow star) next to your name on the scoreboard whenever you play Soldat. 

Thanks to this you will be an honored member of the Soldat community and everyone will know it.

Thanks to this star everyone will recognize you. No unregistered noobs using your nickname!





If you WANT the registered version of Soldat NOW go HERE.
If not here's even MORE options:





Registered players have the option to turn on or off the Soldat minimap with F2 key. The minimap shows the whole map, aswell as the position of your teammates (special indications to show who is chatting at the moment), your flag carrier and flag positions if they are in base. You won't ever again get confused after downloading a new map. Look at the minimap in action (click on images):




Only registered users have the possibility to have unique jet flames color. If you don't want to have the same yellow flame coming out of your boots register now! With this you will be always recognized and nobody will make a mistake that this is you. Only registered players can have this.





With the Interface Maker you will have the ability to modify the current interfaces.
If you don't like the positions of the weapon and health stats you can easily move them and suit your needs.





Draw your own interface! It can't be easier with the Interface Maker.
If you don't want to make everything you can change some of the default interfaces.
Also you can just make custom interfaces that only change your aim cursor!
You can make or download dozens of unique cursors for you to use.





The registration can be cheaper if you register for a clan or more than 2 users at once. You don't have to have a clan to get a discount, this is just a prefered option for clans.

Every third copy is for free
So if you register 2 copies you get one additional for free.
If you register 4 you get 2 additional ones for free and so on.
To do this register Soldat normally on or (links below) and buy for example: 3 licenses/seats. Then e-mail me with 4 full names or nicknames which the game will be registered on and I'll send you 4 reg keys (don't forget to write your orderid to make it faster).




So think about it.
Soldat is free to play but it needs your support, you can feel good about it, plus you will get a full package of new options to play around with!

So how do I register Soldat?

There are two quick services to accept your payment:



Registering costs US $11.99. Non-US currency is also accepted. All payments are secure.
Refunds available. 30 day money-back guarantee!
You can pay by credit card, personal check, mail, purchase order, money order, phone/fax, wire transfer and PayPal.

Click here to go to the Soldat Plimus registration page and get your full version in just minutes:



Recommended for european users (low cost bank transfers, german, french, spanish, italian languages available).
Registering costs 9.99 EURO. Non-Euro currency is also accepted.
All payments are secure.
You can pay by Credit Card, Switch/Solo, Bank/Wire Transfer, Check, Cash.

Click here to go to the Share-It registration page and get your full version in just minutes:


Registration is for lifetime (all future versions).

After registering you will receive a code and program that will allow you to instantly enjoy the full version of Soldat.

You will recieve the registration just in minutes after the payment is processed and you can have fun with the full version of Soldat right away!

If you have ANY problems or questions contact the Plimus or Share-it help center or just e-mail me personally here michal.marcinkowski<AT>


Thank you and have fun!

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